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Our Services

  • Great value! It includes the initial consultation, TCM diagnosis, and ...

    1 hr 15 min

    525 US dollars
  • Choose from: * Cosmetic Acupuncture * Microneedling and Nanoneedling

    1 hr 45 min

    280 US dollars

  • 45 min

    95 US dollars
  • Tongue and Pulse check, patient historical inquiry, TCM diagnosis, acu...

    1 hr 15 min

    150 US dollars
  • A great complement to our acupuncture treatments. Healing from the ins...

    45 min

    95 US dollars
  • Tongue and pulse TCM diagnosis, initial patient intake, acupuncture tr...

    1 hr 45 min

    300 US dollars

  • 1 hr

    200 US dollars
  • On-Site Company Wellness Fairs & Employee Appreciation Days

    2 hr

    From 320 US dollars
  • Healing together

    2 hr

    From 40 US dollars
  • Add-on to the acupuncture treatment

    15 min

    25 US dollars
  • Add-on to the acupuncture treatment

    15 min

    25 US dollars
  • Add-on to the acupuncture treatment

    15 min

    25 US dollars
  • Add-on to the acupuncture treatment

    20 min

    50 US dollars
  • Add-on to the acupuncture treatment

    15 min

    25 US dollars
  • Add-on to the acupuncture treatment

    15 min

    50 US dollars
  • Gentle hatha, restaurative yoga - Great for beginners

    45 min

    95 US dollars
  • A gentle introduction to yoga in the comfort of your home.

    45 min

    80 US dollars
  • We analyze your pulse, tongue, and intake to determine your birth cons...

    1 hr 15 min

    120 US dollars
  • Foundations, Acupuncture Point Location, Chinese Herbology, and Bio-Me...

    1 hr

    75 US dollars
Acu 6-Pack

Best Value

Acupuncture 6-Pack



Valid for 2 months

Best Value

Private Yoga 6-Pack



Valid for 2 months

Best Value

Facial Acupuncture /Microneedling 6-Pack



Valid for 6 months

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©2024 AcuVeda LLC

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